

What is Onlyfans?

Onlyfans has over 85 million monthly visitors and one million users who actively publish content. It is a website where users share photos and videos, and "fans" subscribe to the profiles for a given monthly amount. it is also possible to pay extra for "tips" or to pay for more posts. The app is not only used for nude photos, but that is what many people publish here. The website has an age limit of 18 years.

How much do you earn?

There are some famous people who can earn millions from the app, but the reality is that many only earn a few hundred or thousand a month. Onlyfans takes 20% of what you earn, and you also have to follow Norwegian tax rules.

Is it safe to post content on Onlyfans?

Well. It all depends on what you post, and how afraid you are of not remaining anonymous or of family and friends knowing about it. Most nudes posted on Onlyfans will be spread all over the web, even if you have the "copyright". It is very common to forward and publish Onlyfans models.

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